This builders clean, has been by far the most arduous task that we have come across.
Mainly because the scaffolding had been taken down, however we were able to clean the upstairs windows using a carbon fiber pole from the ground and quite a lot of elbow grease to remove all the vacuum seal marks from the double glazing.
After a few days we get a call from the glass manufacturer saying the customer can see very slight marks on the 3 rd story windows which were the most difficult to do.
So we went back and went over them again, but this time leaving water on the outside of the windows to be 100% sure the marks were not there.
And to our surprise we noticed small marks that look like they could be on the inside.
Having then applied water to the inside windows we saw these marks.
Three happy customers,
The builder finally getting paid his last 15% (we estimate this to be a $100,000) considering it was $650,000 renovation.
The glass manufacturer not having to replace all the windows as well as putting the scaffolding back up saving them time and money around $30,000 (49 double glazed windows in total) as well as their reputation in the market place.
The customer finally being able to see through their windows and not having the frustration of having the scaffolding put back up again over their recently landscaped garden...priceless
So if you have these marks left on your windows after you have renovated or built a new home call us today for a free quote for your builders clean.